All Out For The Fight quoted some interesting accusations about this alleged snitch taken from NYC Indymedia.
According to an anonymous CUNY student, Kadinsky is anti-Arab and has attacked "students who speak out against islamophobia and the Israeli occupation of Palestine." The students goes on to mention that Kadinsky has "written inflamatory pieces attacking affirmative action; Black culture;".
Kadinsky is so far out on the right that, according to the CUNY student, "even Hiller, the pro-zionist group, disassociates itself from his tactics." The student also speculates that Kadinsky love for the NYPD is so intense that the uproar over the center is Kadinsky's way of distracting attention from the recent police killing of the weaponless Sean Bell and the injuring of his two cohorts.
But Kadinsky may not be taking all the character questions laying down. In a post on NYC Indymedia, he shoots back "Bring it on, do your worst (as that is all you are capable of doing) I will be waiting. Shitheads."
Sergey The Snitch? | All Out For The Fight
1 comment:
I am afraid that you have been misinformed into accepting that I'm racist and a fascist. This assumption could not be further from the truth.
While I strongly oppose the naming of a student center after Assata Shakur, I stand alongside these same students in our battle against tuition hikes, the loss of student space, and to restore the image of CCNY. The personal online attacks against me are hurtful and immature.
Prior to attending CCNY, I worked as a photography intern at the Studio museum in Harlem, and took classes in black literature.
In addition, I represented the students of CCNY in the student government and as an intern in the State Assembly.
As for being a Zionist, this is true- but that shouldn't have anything to do with the Shakur controversy.
Anyway, if you wish to learn more about my cause, go to my blog. If you have any further questions, let me know.
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