CNN's Jeff Greenfield, opens up what will be one of the first salvos at Senator Barack Obama. The Senator was on a fact-finding sojourn through New Hampshire recently, and speculation persists that he's in the running for the Democratic nomination for president for 2008.
But peep this. In a clip for Wolf Blitzer's
The Situation Room, The reporter, not so subtly,
links Obama to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadineja. How could the two men be possibly linked, you ask? According to Greenfield, its all in the gear he dipped in, of all things!
In the news report, the "reporter/commentator" references past Presidential candidates Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush and Richard Nixon and their campaign threads. Follow along. Bush preferred the down home Texan look, somewhat reminiscent to Reagan's country casual look. Greenfield speculates that Bush was evoking Reagan, of course.
Therefore, Obama (who Greenfield quips "Sounds like Osama"), who favors a casual white shirt/black jacket look, must be emulating sworn Israeli eradicator, Ahmadineja. Similarly, Ahmadineja is shown in photos as wearing a white shirt/black jacket. Wow. Journalism at it's pinnacle. So, Greenfield and the rest of his ilk, prefer the suit tie look. Could they be possibly linked to, say Enron's Ken Lay or say Haliburton execs?
Not to mention Greenfield reminds the viewers that the senator's middle name is Hussein.
For the record, Barack Obama
is not a Muslim. Regardless, it shouldn't matter. Somehow it's a
big issue for some. After the whole controversy some have made over newly elected Minnesota Congressman
Keith Ellison, you understand how such reckless news stories can
tarnish a politician, or even your average citizen's reputation. It was later revealed that congressmen are not sworn on a Bible or any other book. They can choose to if they wish, but most do not.
Greenfield's irresponsible reporting will only be the first smear on Obama. Granted Obama is a media darling, in many ways, right now, but I'm sure he and his advisers know how quickly the snake charmer can be bitten by the cobra.
CNN Smears Obama |